Skill: long (e) spelling patterns (-ey) & (ie)
The E in many words is the ‘bossy' e – turning the short vowel sould into a long sound. Translation. The most powerful letter! TomSwift on July 06, 2012 5:53 pm 'The spelling ea can also represent two other vowel sounds.)' long e – Meal short e – Lead, read (past tense) long a – Great short i – Ocean. Long E Sound Common long E spellings There are seven common ways to spell the long E sound: 1. E Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold): 1) m e 2) b e 3) sh e 4) h e 5) w e Prefixes with the same spelling 6) pr e-7) d e-8) r e-2. Ee Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold): 1) n ee d 2) s ee 3) bl ee d 4) f ee d 5) f ee.
The vowels are: a-e-i-o-u- and sometimes y.
When y functions as a vowel it:
- Vowel Sound /ey/ /ey/ as in take. Not rounded, relaxed. Tense, moves from the mid-high to high position.
- An ideal video to teach kids how to make the 'short e sound'. Kids will learn how a short e vowel sound is different from the long e vowel. This will improve.
- Ee, ea and ey Sounding Letters Missing Worksheet 6 ee and ea Cut and Paste Worksheet To link to this ee, ea and ey Sounds Matching Worksheets page, copy the following code to your site.
a) concludes a word which has no other vowel (my)
b) concludes words of more than one syllable (happy)
c) immediately follows another vowel (turkey) Slot million dollar jackpots.
Vowel rule: When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. In the word monkey—'e' says its name, as in the alphabet. The second one does the walking; the 'y' is silent.
Read these words.
alley | galley | key | monkey |
chimney | hockey | kidney | parsley |
chutney | honey | Mickey | valley |
donkey | jockey | money | volley |
The pattern (ie) is an irregular long (e) spelling pattern. It is often used in names, ex. Katie. This pattern does not follow the long vowel rule, (When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.) We sometimes refer to these (ie) pattern words as
'jail' words because they don't follow the rule! It may be best to remember the old spelling rule: i before e, except after c.
Read these words.
Angie | believe | chief | frieze | piece |
baggie | Bonnie | cookie | genie | shield |
beanie | brie | field | grief | siege |
belief | brief | fiend | niece | thief |
Dictation/Spelling Practice for (-ey, ie) words
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Please read these sentences.
Remember the spelling patterns (-ey) and (ie) have a long (e) sound.
- Did the thief take the key?
- Do you want a pieceofbread and honey?
- Did you see the jockey on the donkey?
- The chief sees the thief in the valley.
- I need some money to go on the trolley.
- The monkey ran across the hockey field.
- Did Natalie eat lunch with Katie?
- The alley cat left prints on my windshield.
- Charlie and Leslie are playing volleyball.
- I have a black alley cat named Sadie.
- I believe the siegeof the valley will end soon.
- I bought a cookie and a pieceof brie in the galley.
- Eating parsley on chutney gave mystomach grief.
- Mickeytookoff his beanie and put it in the baggie.
- The fiend siezed the fiefdom from the king.
- The thief got three years in the pokeyfor stealing money.
- A piece of the frieze fell off and hit my niece.
Write a sentence. Please use one or more words that have the (-ey) & (ie) spelling patterns. Do not mix upper and lowercase letters. Remember all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a period (.), (?), or (!). Please be attentive to good penmanship.
____________________________________________________________________ Tpa clot medication.
Please illustrate your sentence or one of the sentences in this lesson.
The long E sound (IPA symbol: i) can be found in English words such as:
see, meat, receive, key, niece, me, bleed, wheat, perceive, and priest.
Click Here for the American Accent Audio Course.
The Long E sounds is a long vowel sound. Long vowel sounds are vowel sounds pronounced the same as the name of the letter. Each vowel has a long vowel sound (Long A, Long E, Long I, Long O, Long U).
In English, long vowel sounds are usually the easiest vowel sounds to learn.
Click here for a video of it:
Long E Sound
Common long E spellings
There are seven common ways to spell the long E sound:1. e
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) me
2) be
3) she
4) he
5) we
Prefixes with the same spelling
6) pre-
7) de-
8) re-
2. ee
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) need
2) see
3) bleed
4) feed
5) fee
6) tree
7) feel
8) flee
9) bee
10) seed
3. e_e
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) theme
2) Japanese
3) delete
4) Chinese
5) even
6) these
7) compete
8) sincere
9) gene
10) eleven
4. ea
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) leave
2) read
3) meat
4) neat
5) meal
6) real
7) dear
8) heal
9) seat
10) leaf
5. ei
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) receive
2) ceiling
3) receipt
4) perceive
5) conceit
6) seize
7) receiver
6. ie
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) relieve
2) priest
3) believe
4) brief
5) thief
6) shriek
7) piece
8) grief
9) relief
10) belief
7. y or ey
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) key
Ey Short E Sound Effects
2) monkey3) turkey
Short E Sound Video
4) valley
5) mainly
6) holy
7) friendly
8) silly
9) funny
10) lady
Now say these sentences out loud (the long E sounds are bold):
1) The friendly lady locked the door with the key.
2) I believe I feel tired this evening.
3) Please read the book.
4) She needs help learning to speak Japanese.
5) Didn't he see the monkey?
6. ie
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) relieve
2) priest
3) believe
4) brief
5) thief
6) shriek
7) piece
8) grief
9) relief
10) belief
7. y or ey
Say these words out loud (the long E sound is bold):
1) key
Ey Short E Sound Effects
2) monkey3) turkey
Short E Sound Video
4) valley
5) mainly
6) holy
7) friendly
8) silly
9) funny
10) lady
Now say these sentences out loud (the long E sounds are bold):
1) The friendly lady locked the door with the key.
2) I believe I feel tired this evening.
3) Please read the book.
4) She needs help learning to speak Japanese.
5) Didn't he see the monkey?
7) The priest took a seat.
8) The bee is on the leaf.
9) We cooked meat for dinner.
10) The thief will flee.
Have you finished them all? Great job!
Click Here for the American Accent Audio Course.
Well done! You have completed the long E sound lesson.Ea Short E Sound Video
List of Lessons
Lesson 01: International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Lesson 02: Word Stress and Syllables
Lesson 03: Long E sound (meet, see)
Lesson 04: Short I Sound (sit, hit)
Lesson 05: UH Sound (put, foot)
Lesson 06: OO Sound (moon, blue)
Lesson 07: Short E sound (pen, bed)
Lesson 08: Schwa Sound (the, about)
Lesson 09: UR Sound (turn, learn)
Lesson 10: OH Sound (four, store)
Lesson 11: Short A Sound (cat, fat)
Lesson 12: UH Sound (but, luck)
Lesson 13: Soft A Sound (arm, father)
Lesson 14: Long O Sound (boat, know)
Lesson 15: Long A Sound (say, pain, make)
Lesson 16: Short O Sound (not, off, socks)
Lesson 17: Diphthong (a combination of two vowel sounds)
Lesson 18: P Sound (cup, punch, pull) and B sound (cub, bunch, bull)
Lesson 19: The Nasal Sounds (M, N, NG)
Lesson 20: F Sound (four, lift, graph, tough) and V Sound (love, knives, grave, vine)
Lesson 21: W Sound (wow, quit, where)
Lesson 22: R Sound (red, sorry, write)
Lesson 23: H Sound (he, behind, who)
Lesson 24: T Sound (top, it, later) and D Sound (do, had, made)
Lesson 25: S Sound (sit, box, cats) and Z Sound (zip, buzz, boys)
Lesson 26: K Sound (kid, talk, black) and G Sound (go, big, dog)
Lesson 27: L Sound: Light L & Dark L (tall, like, English)
Lesson 28: Y Consonant Sound (yes, you, beyond)
Lesson 29: CH Sound (China, century, watch) and J Sound (Germany, educate , judge)
Lesson 30: TH Consonant Sounds – voiced TH sound (the, father, them) and voiceless (unvoiced) TH sound (think, birthday, south)
Lesson 31: SH (shop, chef, special) and ZH (usual, massage, Asia)